Baroness Young, a Labour peer and Chair of the Woodland Trust, said she found the report "very interesting" and stressed the need to recognise the "total spectrum of woodland that we need particular management solutions for".
She added: “Well-managed woodlands of all sorts will deliver for biodiversity in its unique way. For some of the most threatened species, you need particular conditions and we cannot lose sight of that in the dash to plant trees.”
Stuart Goodall, Confor Chief Executive, agreed that there is more to the issue than planting trees and highlighted bringing more woodland into management as also key. “The report captures all parts of the story", he added.
He urged the Government to produce a Tree Strategy which offered delivery mechanisms to reflect the diverse objectives of woodland owners or farmers planting trees: “We need sophisticated delivery mechanisms to allow all parts of the spectrum to engage in forestry and make it sustainable to achieve a range of outcomes. They all have a role to play."
Baroness Young supported Mr Goodall's response: “We must get out of the trenches and start recognising a range of forest management needs to happen and when we look at money for tree planting, we don't want to seek to back winners; they are all winners."