Update of public support schemes in Wales for forestry and timber

General update of public support schemes for forestry and timber and the EOI window dates.

3rd EOI window of Glastir Woodland Restoration will open on 30th March to 29th April 2016 for Capital Works to be completed by 31st March 2017, if you have larch, clean or infected this is applicable even if you have already done the felling. 


2nd EOI window of Glastir Woodland Creation will open on 30th March 2016 to 29th April 2016 for Capital Works to be completed by 31st March 2017.


The Timber Business Investment Scheme provides funding for capital investments that add value to forests by enabling woodland management activities, timber harvesting and/or timber processing. EOI window opening on 29th Feb16th and closes on 23rd May16, EOI decision dates are by 18th Jul 16


Glastir Capital Works Online Claim is now live for claims to be made for Capital Works completed under GWM, GWC and both rounds of GWR. 

"The Sustainable Management Scheme will provide financial support for a range of activities that will improve the management of our natural resources and in doing so contribute to the well-being of our rural communities. The scheme offers grants to collaborative groups looking to; improve our natural resources and the benefits they provide, take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve business and community resilience to the impacts of climate change". 

This has many references to forestry and it could be an opportunity for our sector. Reading the guidelines the emphasis is on cooperation and collaboration and I wondered if it would be possible for forestry managers to be the cooperative agents, it could be possible to fund a management plan across multiple owners that encompassed both existing woodlands and new woodland creation, especially if the objectives includes flood and water management and timber production as both of these are strategically important across wider areas. This schemes could perhaps fund the work by the forest manager to create a woodland plan that worked across individual ownership in existing woodlands with any woodland creation works under the plan being eligible for funding under Glastir woodland creation. Speak to your woodland manager, it is worth a go and we would be delighted to see an application go in. I would also be keen to hear of any other ideas you have which could be eligible and perhaps I can act to put people in touch with each other to submit a bid. EOI windows opens on 29-Feb-16 and closes on 07-May-16. EOI decision dates are 05-Jul-16, full details at http://gov.wales/topics/environmentcountryside/farmingandcountryside/cap/ruraldevelopment/wales-rural-development-programme-2014-2020/sustainable-management-scheme/?lang=en