APPG on Forestry and Timber Security
25 March 2025
Churchill Room, House of Commons, London
Forests and food is the theme for the 2025 UN International Day of Forests, celebrating the crucial role both forestry and farming play in our economy and in our communities.
Given global trends, food security is recognised as important and increasingly too is timber security. In the media this need for food and wood fibre is often portrayed as an irreconcilable conflict, which it need not be.
This Spring meeting of the APPG on Forestry and Timber Security will explore how foresters and farmers can work together to increase woodland cover and timber supply in the UK while also supporting British agriculture.
These themes also feature in the current Government consultation on land-use and the APPG will reflect on the event discussion when considering a submission to the consultation.
With thanks to event sponsors Euroforest and Scottish Woodlands.