Hylobius Industry Research Partnership Update

14 May 2024

The HIRP is bringing together the sector to find solutions to the Hylobius issue.

A couple of key points from the recent meeting include: a ESRA for Forester, NEW IPM conference and funding for a solution.

The HIRP is bringing together the sector to find solutions to the Hylobius issue. Various members are undertaking research and sharing their findings so far, including a recently started trial of Connisafe. This is a barrier product that can be sprayed onto trees; more details will be shared once the trail is complete.

A sub group within HIRP has come together with FSC UK to produce an FSC National Environmental and Social Risk Assessment (ESRA) for cypermethrin (sold as Forester). This is available via the FSC UK website along with additional guidance for FSC certificate holders on how to use the ESRA.

It should be noted that while Forester can be used now on FSC certified forests, where certificate holders have access to stocks of acetamiprid (sold as Gazelle SG) these should be used, prior to its loss of use approval, in preference to cypermethrin (Forester), as it has the lower FSC pesticide hazard rating. If you are intending to use Forester and require further guidance it is advisable to discuss this with your FSC Group certification manager or auditors before use to ensure you are compliant.

The NEW IPM conference is for all land-based sectors with pest issues to meet and discuss new products and cross working. Among the range of speakers there will be forestry focused topics, including Roger Moore (Forest Research), Lea Brandes / Imam Sayyed (Forestry England Plant and Seed Supply) and Richard Hunter (Confor).

The HIRP is also seeking funding which will support developing a solution for Hylobius control. The link below explains how this will work. Hylobius is issue that needs the whole industry to tackle.