Timber! Why the UK needs the wood - and the trees

Over 130 Confor Members and guests gathered in London for our 2022 UK policy conference. Speakers and panellists from across the industry and government addressed some of the key issues facing the forestry and wood-using sectors in a day of thought-provoking discussion.

Conference Title

The following content from Timber! Why the UK needs the wood - and the trees has been made available for attendees to share with colleagues and interested parties.

Videos from speakers

  • Watch | The vital role of forestry and wood in the UK achieving its climate ambitions - Lord Deben, Chair, Climate Change Committee
    A conversation with Lord Deben and David Lee.
  • Watch | The climate change case for productive forestry - Dr Andrew Cameron, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen
    A conversation with Lord Deben and David Lee.
  • Watch | Taking the positive forestry message into schools - Laura Jermy, Timber Buyer & Harvesting Manager, TG & DS Norman
    A video message from Laura Jermy.

Plus - Wood for the Trees: Why we need more trees
Wood for the Trees is a series from Tom Barnes and Charly Le Marchant, investigating the future of UK forests. 'Why we need more trees' was screened for the first time during the conference.

Presentations from speakers

Further reading

Speaker Content Round-up